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Client Accounts

Find a client account that's the best fit for you. UK client accounts are essential in professional-to-client situations. They're often used by solicitors and accountants when pooling together clients' funds, for either short term or long term situations. Visit the chart below to start your comparison. Learn about similar products in our business guides and business news sections.


Client Accounts

Client Accounts

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We found 57 products in total, of which 0 have links to providers.

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Selecting ‘Provider Links First’ brings all products that you can apply for directly via Moneyfacts to the top of the chart in rate order. Products that do not have an ‘Go To Provider's Site’ button will appear below, again in rate order. Selecting ‘Rate’ will change the chart to list all products in rate order. Products that have ‘Go To Provider's Site’ links will still be in the list but in rate position.

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  • State Bank of India Business Fixed Deposit
    Account Type
    Business Fixed
    1 Year Bond
    Interest Paid
    On Maturity (Compounded Annually)
  • State Bank of India Business Fixed Deposit
    Account Type
    Business Fixed
    2 Year Bond
    Interest Paid
    On Maturity (Compounded Annually)
    Further Options ˅
    Account Type
    Business Fixed
    2 Year Bond
    Interest Paid
  • Moneycorp Bank 90 Day Notice Account
    Account Type
    Business Variable
    90 Day
    Interest Paid
  • Danske Bank Danske Fixed Term Deposit
    Account Type
    Business Fixed
    2 Year Bond
    Interest Paid
    On Maturity
  • Reliance Bank 1 Year Fixed Term Deposit
    Account Type
    Business Fixed
    1 Year Bond
    Interest Paid
    On Maturity
  • Bank of Scotland Term Deposit 29.7.25
    Account Type
    Business Fixed
    Interest Paid
    On Maturity
  • Lloyds Bank Term Deposit 29.7.25
    Account Type
    Business Fixed
    Interest Paid
    On Maturity
  • State Bank of India Green Fixed Deposit
    Account Type
    Business Fixed
    5 Year Bond
    Interest Paid
    On Maturity (Compounded Annually)
    Further Options ˅
    Account Type
    Business Fixed
    5 Year Bond
    Interest Paid
  • Danske Bank Danske Fixed Term Deposit
    Account Type
    Business Fixed
    1 Year Bond
    Interest Paid
    On Maturity
  • NatWest Liquidity Manager 95 Day Notice Account
    Account Type
    Business Variable
    95 Day
    Interest Paid

Eligible deposits with UK institutions are protected by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme up to a maximum level of protection of £85,000 per business per institution. The deposits of most non-financial services businesses are covered up to the £85,000 limit.


The list of client account providers on this page is a selection of services available and gives you an idea of the kind of options available. You can find out more about the individual products by visiting any of the providers listed. All information is subject to change without notice. Please check all terms before making any decisions. This information is intended solely to provide guidance and is not financial advice. will not be liable for any loss arising from your use or reliance on this information. If you are in any doubt, recommends you obtain independent financial advice.

Provider Links

‘Go To Provider's Site’ links are where we have an arrangement with a provider so you can move directly from our site to theirs to view more information and apply for a product. We also use ‘Speak to A Broker’ links where we have an arrangement with a preferred broker to move you directly to their site. Depending on the arrangement we may receive a modest commission either when you press a 'Go To Provider's Site' or 'Speak To A Broker' button, when you call an advertised number or when you complete an application following a link from our website.

Client accounts explained

Client accounts can be a short-term or a long-term issue, such as with funds that are being held temporarily for a matter of days through to more permanent arrangements designed to last for years.

In terms of the type of client account used, they are broadly broken down into two groups: the first is in the form of a collective pool of clients’ cash. In this example – which is often the most common – this would involve many customers sharing a single bank account with all the funds due to those customers kept in that single client account and their entitlement carefully recorded. In such circumstances it is often the case that the customer will earn no interest on the money deposited with any profit going to the holding business. Commonly this is not a problem as the client monies are relatively small on an individual basis and reside in the account for only a short period of time.

The other form of client account relates to deposits of a more sizeable nature, such as where the money is being held in trust. In this instance it is normal practice for the solicitor or accountant to open a client account exclusively for that person. No other clients will share the account and any interest made is typically left for the beneficiary of the trust. However, some professions may charge a ‘handling fee’ to cover their own costs, such as only paying the client interest if the sum deposited is larger than £10,000.

The rules under which a professional business holds such funds should be clearly stated in advance so that you are fully aware of how client funds will be treated. There is also significant regulation over how client accounts must be managed by the company.

Regardless of whether the client account is a collective pool of several customers or a single, dedicated account, the monies are still protected by the UK depositor protection scheme, so that funds up to £85,000, or higher in certain circumstances, are safe in the very unlikely event of a bank going bust.

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